
Do you know the monthly earning of Indian YouTubers ?

Welcome readers to our channel the channel always gives you best and important news. Today we are going to talk about YouTuber and the most important they are from India. As all of you know you tube is the best platform to earn money online and you can earn in millions after some hard working hours. But, after the hard working hours you can earn easily. Many Indian are earning in high amounts. Today we are going to talk about top 8 YouTubers from India and we will see how much they are warning from you tube?
1. Bhuvan Bam (BB KI VINES) – He is earning 10 lakhs- 25 lakhs per month. He has 9.7 million subscriber.
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2. Amit Bhandana – He is earning 5 lakhs- 10 lakhs per month because he isn’t much active in the side work like bhuvan bam. He has 9.8 million subscriober.
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3. Gaurav Chaudhary (Technical Guruji) – He is earning a band of 15 lakhs to 25 lakhs per month because he is highly active in tech field. He has 8.7 million subscribers.
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4. Sandeep Maheshwari – He is earning around 16 lakhs – 20 lakhs. He is best motivational speaker on You Tube. He has 6.8 million subscriber.
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5. AJay (Carryminati) – He is earning 4 lakhs – 8 lakhs per month with the help of two channels. He has 4.1 million subscribers.
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6. Nisha Madhulika – She has more than 5 million subscriber. And, she is earning more than 10 Lakhs with the help of her cooking channel.
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7. All India Backchod – This is the most famous and old youtube channel of india. Their team and chairman Tanmay bhatt are earning around 15-25 lakhs because they are highly active with Bollywood celebs. We aren’t counting them on top because they are joint team.
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8. TVF (Including The Timeliners, Tsp and many more) – They are also a joint team. And, they are earning more than 15 lakhs.
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We are not counting many channels like funk you, Rickshawali, Mostly sane and many others. They are also earning much higher. We salaute all Indians that they are doing great job. All the best to all You Tubers.
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