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Live Hotel Booking – Room Type

Room Type What is the meaning / definition of Room Type in the hospitality industry? In Hospitality, the days of a hotel only offering guests standard rooms for reservations are long gone! Nowadays, there are myriad room types and suites at hotels around the world – a delightfully eclectic selection – meaning that any size of group and most preferences can be catered for. Of course, variously sized and styled room are made available at differing rates, but prices can be adjusted depending upon occupancy, time of year, and other factors. Rooms tend to fall into categories when it comes to price-bands, the type of décor, whether a room is pool-side or ocean-side… Images and descriptions of main features and amenities applying to each room category will usually be included on a hotel’s brand website and across its distribution channels. Even though rooms may vary hotel by hotel, the following room-type definitions are common: Single: A room assigned to one person. May have one or more beds. Double: A room assigned to two people. May have one or more beds. Triple: A room assigned to three people. May have two or more beds. Quad: A room assigned to four people. May have two or more beds. Queen: A room with a queen-sized bed. May be occupied by one or more people. King: A room with a king-sized bed. May be occupied by one or more people. Twin: A room with two beds. May be occupied by one or more people. Double-double: A room with two double (or perhaps queen) beds. May be occupied by one or more people. Studio: A room with a studio bed – a couch that can be converted into a bed. May also have an additional bed Types of Suites can include: Master Suite: A parlour or living room connected to one or more bedrooms. Mini-Suite or Junior Suite: A single room with a bed and sitting area. Sometimes the sleeping area is in a bedroom separate from the parlour or living room. Other types of rooms can include: Connecting rooms: Rooms with individual entrance doors from the outside and a connecting door between. Guests can move between rooms without going through the hallway. Adjoining rooms: Rooms with a common wall, but no connecting door. Adjacent rooms: Rooms close to each other, perhaps across the hall. Also, it is important to point out that flexible hoteliers will always consider adding an additional bed (e.g. for a child), where a couple with a toddler wish to all sleep in the same room, or perhaps for an assigned care-giver. Also, in some rooms with single or double beds, a couch can be made into an extra bed where necessary. Finally, we should mention that often double rooms are booked by individual travellers who perhaps have trouble getting to sleep in a single bed, and prefer a double bed for their overnight stay or if they are staying for longer!


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