
Top 10 Delicious Dishes Of Kashmiri Cuisine

1) Rogan Josh

Rogan josh is a staple of Kashmiri cuisine and is one of the main dishes of the Kashmiri multi-course meal (the “Wazwan”). The dish was originally brought to Kashmir by the Mughals, whose cuisine was in turn influenced by Persian cuisine.

2) Goshtaba

Gushtaba is a dish of minced mutton balls cooked in curd and spices. Goshtaba is called as ‘The King of Dishes’ or ‘ Dish of Kings’. It is famous for its flavour and taste. It is served as the last Meat Dish.

3) Rista

Rista is made with mutton meat balls simmered in a red spicy gravy.It is prepared in red chilly powder and other spices . It takes a lot of efforts to prepare but it’s all worth it.

4) Kebab

Kashmiri kebab is a popular meat dish in Jammu and Kashmir.Its aromatic flavor and delicious taste makes it a favorite the world over.
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5) Mutton Yakhni

Kashmiri Mutton Yakhni is a Kashmiri recipe made using mutton, curd, cardamoms, cloves, and cinnamon. It is a signature Kashmiri thin gravy dish, mild and flavourful, typically eaten with rice.
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6) Dum Aaloo

Dum Aloo or Alu Dum is a potato based dish, it is a part of the traditional Kashmiri Pandit cuisine, from the Kashmir Valley. It is made with fried baby potatoes.
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7) Nadroo Yakhni

A Kashmiri curry made with lotus stem and yogurt. Nadroo yakhni recipe is very popular yogurt based Kashmiri cuisine.
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8) Haakh

This can be made with Kohl Rabi greens/Kai lan/ spinach/ collard greens as well. In Kashmir we use the Kohl Rabi greens and Haakh .. something that resembles the Kai Lan greens.Koshur Haakh – Collard greens cooked in Kashmiri style are best eaten fresh off the stove.
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9) Chaman (Paneer)

This traditional Kashmiri dish is every paneer lover’s dream come true. Rich cottage cheese sprinkled with brown and green cardamom is slowly cooked in milk till it’s tender, rich and brown.
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10) Khatte Baigan

Kashmiri Khatte Baingan is a vegetable curry made using aubergine, tamarind, ginger and chilli. The dish is very saucy and is fantastic.
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