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Which room types are there in hotels?

While looking for a tour or a hotel room on their own, tourists often are in a puzzle. Strange abbreviations like TWN, SGL, DBL are mainly clear for experienced tourists or employees of travel agencies.

In fact, these are abbreviations of types of hotel rooms which help you to understand the type of the room you like.

Hotel Room Types

Room types according to accommodation

  • Single – one room for accommodation of one person. The single bed.SGL abbreviation.
  • Double – one room for two. There may be one large bed or two different beds (double twin) in the room. DBL, DBL TWN abbreviations.
  • Triple – a room for three persons. Usually there are two beds and one extra bed (a sofa or a folding bed) in the room. TRPL abbreviation.
  • Extra Bed means an additional bed. Usually it can be found in combined variants: DBL+EXB, TRPL+EXB. EXB abbreviation.
  • Child (Infant) stands for a child. The number of hotels DOES NOT provide children under twelve with an extra bed, that is why you should definitely clarify the way the selected hotel provide accommodation of children at various ages. From the age of twelve, a child usually is provided with an extra bed as an adult person. CHD abbreviation.

Combined accommodations

  • Single rooms (SGL).
  • Single rooms for one adult with a child (SGL+CHD), single room for one adult with two children (SGL+2 CHD).
  • Double room (DBL).
  • Double room with an extra bed (DBL+EXB), double room for two adults with a child under twelve (DBL+CHD), double room for two adults with two children (DBL+2 CHD), double room, including an extra bed, for three adults + a child (DBL+EXB+CHD).
  • Triple rooms (TRPL).
  • Triple rooms for three adults with a child (TRPL+1 CHD), triple rooms for three adults with two children (TRPL+2 CHLD).

Hotel room types according to the comfort level

  • Rooms of the semi-lux category with advanced design (Junior Suite).
  • Rooms with advanced design, there are mainly two rooms and they belong to the lux category (Suite).
  • Rooms of enhanced convenience (De Luxe).
  • Two level rooms (Duplex).
  • Family double and triple rooms (Family Room).
  • Single rooms with a kitchenette (Studio).
  • Standard single rooms (Standart).
  • Bungalow – stand-alone houses. (Residence, Bungalow, Village, Chalet, Cabana).
  • Apartment with its own kitchen (Apartament).
  • Rooms for newly married couples belong to the lux category (Honeymoon Room).
  • Villas – junior, deluxe, two-storey. Frequently have the own gardens and swim pools (Villa, Villa Deluxe, Junior Villa. President Villa).

When choosing a room hotel room tourists often have regard to view from the window too.

Hotel room types according to view from the room

  • rooms overlooking over a pool (PV, Pool View);
  • an overlook over a park (Park View);
  • an overlook over a sea (SV, Sea View);
  • an overlook over a city (CV,City View);
  • an overlook over mountains (MV,Mountain View);
  • an overlook over an ocean (OV, Ocean View);
  • rooms without any particular view (Run of house).

For more information on different types of views, read the article “View types in hotels”


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